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Viewing entries tagged with 'work-life balance'

How Do You Reconcile The Need for Work-Life Balance with a Culture of High Engagement?

Work-Life balance has long been a topic of conversation when talking about issues that need to be addressed to increase employee engagement and satisfaction. I started my career as a public accountant. Especially during tax season, it was not unusual or unexpected for auditors to work 60 to 80 hours per week. When we thought about work-life balance, it meant that for those few hours when we were not working, the last thing we wanted to do was to think about the office or our jobs. There really was a very clear line between our work and personal life and they only converged if we attended a company social event like a holiday party. So when we attended social events or got together with family or friends, we directed our conversations and discussions to other things that were important to us, like friends, hobbies, family, travel, etc. 

Posted by Rick DeMarco at 11:00am

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