
Problem: Walmart desired to create an Associate brand marketing program to align the external brand marketing program with internal associates’ understanding of the “Save Money Live Better” tag line and for them to appreciate their role in improving customer experiences and in supporting advertising efforts.

Solution: Inward, as Walmart’s Associate agency of record, worked collaboratively to come up with six separate creative concepts to reflect the desired goal of internal/external alignment. Inward created six “ad like” poster concepts boards to seek Associate feedback. Inward dispatched staff members to test the concepts within 15 stores regionally with over 100 associates over the course of one weekend. Results were prepared and presented to management on the following Monday in an executive PowerPoint report.

Results: All concepts were appealing, but the one that had the most appeal and the least negativity was “EDLP Starts with Me”. As a result, an entire integrated internal communications plan was established and cascaded to all stores and major events such as shareholder meeting/holiday meetings.

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