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The Importance of a Sequential Framework for Employee Engagement and Internal Branding

Employee Engagement and Internal Branding require a sequential framework and process. Without it, your efforts will likely fail.

This is the fourth submission in an 11-week series on how to launch an employee engagement program. Last week I spoke about setting clear goals and objectives. In this post, I will discuss the importance of following a codified sequential framework and process.

For effective brand alignment to occur, there has to be a sequential framework that follows the hierarchy of effects. From being informed, to understanding, to building commitment to ultimately changing behavior. Each sequential step requires a variety of sequential tactics that move people through the funnel. One-off tactics and random tactics get you nowhere. They will rarely be sustainable nor will they achieve your goals.

Employee engagement is a sequential process.

  • First is building awareness for why this initiative is important to the company through experiential senior leadership communications.
  • This is then followed by training/education and often gamification platforms about why this change is important to individuals and what it means to them in their careers. This phase is then followed by steps that build commitment through social peer-to-peer behavioral communication. It encourages changing behaviors among employees that take on a viral life of their own.
  • And lastly, once change occurs employees should be recognized and rewarded for changing behavior by the company objectives.

Inward’s Internal Dialogue Marketing® Framework

Often instead of treating employee engagement as a process following this framework, they treat employee engagement and brand alignment as a deliverable without any sequential order which often fails. Companies must remember that employees are emotional assets that seek to be valued, have a voice, and feel appreciated for their contributions. Establishing an employee engagement sequential framework and process raises the caliber of employee engagement which ultimately has an impact on productivity, return on investment, and substantial shareholder value.

If you would like to see more information on our Inward Dialogue Marketing sequential process, please visit our website and ask to receive a copy of building the case for employee brand engagement PowerPoint presentation.





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