Inward Blog

Viewing entries tagged with 'budgets'

Who Controls Employee Engagement And Why Doesn't It Get Funded? It Needs A Seat At The Table

There is never a week that we don’t receive a phone call from a prospective client who says “employee engagement is a high priority but we can’t seem to find the budget to address the issue”. In other calls we hear, “the organization is working in silos and we can’t seem to get everyone on the same page, but nobody seems to be willing to do anything about it, and we don’t have a budget to get it done”. I try to be encouraging but it takes more than that.

Posted by Allan Steinmetz at 11:00am

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Sustaining An Employee Engagement Campaign Over Time

This is the final submission in an 11-week series on how to launch an employee engagement program. Last week I spoke about metrics and ROI. In this post, I will discuss the importance of sustaining a long-term employee engagement program.

Posted by Allan Steinmetz at 11:00am

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