Inward Blog

Viewing entries tagged with 'decision making'

The Difference Between A Dream And A Vision Is A Plan To Get There

Effective decision making is one of the key traits of a strong leader. On one end of the scale, there are leaders who always look for one more piece of data or evidence before making a decision and often end up in analysis paralysis. On the other hand, there are those leaders who make impulsive decisions, with no input from others or facts to support their position. There is never a decision that can be made with 100% guarantee of the desired outcome. Effective leaders find the balance between analysis / input and pulling the trigger.

Posted by Rick DeMarco at 11:00am

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Are You Inspiring Others By Balancing Your Work And Other Things That Are Important To You?

In a book he wrote before he died of lymphoma, Paul Tsongas, a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts made the statement that “ No one on his deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I had spent more time at the office’”. Today, in our fast paced world, work/life balance can be a challenge. And yet, effective leaders find a way to balance the things that are important to them and to their relationship with others. An engaged workforce is one in which people are passionate about what they do and that passion is driven by both the work they are doing and the values and beliefs reflected in their behavior. One of the primary motivators for employees today is the opportunity to have an impact. It’s not just about the compensation. It’s about doing meaningful work and making a difference.  And that happens when people are able to find a balance between their work and other things that are important to them and to those around them.

Posted by Rick DeMarco at 11:00am

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Leaders who think they can control everything are setting themselves up for disappointment

I admit it. I’m a control freak. Sitting on my desk is a plaque with a constant reminder of the need to overcome that weakness… a saying by Reinhold Niebuhr, “Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference”.

Posted by Rick DeMarco at 11:00am

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It’s My Decision And I Stand By It!

Leaders are faced with making decisions every day that have consequences impacting themselves, their companies, and those they lead. How leaders make decisions and how they deal with the consequences of those decisions has a direct impact on their ability to engage and inspire others. Some of those decisions end up with very positive outcomes. But often, even with the best intentions and best intelligence available, decisions are made that end up with less than desirable results. Effective leaders understand that there is no decision that is 100% risk free. There is always one more piece of information that could be reviewed before making a decision. There are those who make impulsive decisions with little or no input and there are those who analyze information to death and do not make decisions in a timely manner. Effective leaders find the balance between making a quick decision and considering intelligence and input before making that decision.

Posted by Rick DeMarco at 11:00am

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